Thursday, 28 February 2019

     Sorry! It's long today. You know me. This is why I avoid talking to people. I'll stop now, and save the rest for tomorrow.
15:42 EST
     Chess is another one of those curious things whose history is literally lost in the 'dark mystery of time'. One story tells that the game was born in India in the 5th century AD.
     (By the way, Chess is one of the few musicals in my collection, and I can highly recommend it.)

     What's less well known, or discussed, probably because of the typical translational complications, is that the game we know of as Chess, was, in India, originally called, "The War of the Worlds" (or words to that effect). This is, by the way, not an unusual phenomenon. There are many words which we use, whose actual meanings would probably surprise you, were you to look them up. Take, for example, December, the 12th month. Its name actually means tenth, as in the tenth month. In fact, the last 4 months' names, September, October, November, and December, actually mean 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th. In fact, that ER suffix means 'one who is/does', such as 'butcher' is one who ... well ... butches. And why was this? Because the months were once only 10, and all regarded as being 'personages', much as Peresphone was the personification of the spring.
     Likewise, the word, meteor, actually means 'mid air', or, as actually used, 'things in the heavens above'. Sound familiar? Next time you hear that phrase, remember to mentally translate it back into the more familiar, and revealing, meteor.
     So, what about Chess then? Well, as mysterious as its history may be, a far greater, far more amazing mystery lies in its board, the long-since taken-for-granted 8x8 layout of alternating black and white squares. As it turns out, this not only ties in with the game's original name, but also more accurately dates its origins.
     There is a considerable body of evidence, in the form of mythology, legend, and various holy writings from many lands, to suggest that, prior to the flood (which turns out to have been known of and discussed by everyone on earth, not just the authors of the Bible), there were only seven known planets, including the sun. After the flood, there were eight planets, with the new eighth being Jupiter, as chronicled in the name of the youngest son of Noah: Japheth. This is what Peter was alluding to when he rather curiously managed to squeeze in a mention that "eight souls were saved by water.", just another one of those many cosmic references in the New Testament.
     Curiously, a later tradition, of the Japhethites, no less, was that there were nine worlds, the nine worlds which hung like fruit in the tree, Yggdrasil. And this, too, was no, mere, local aberration, being attested to on all continents. But the number of planets involved only appears about the time of the Exodus, as Immanuel Velkovsky exhaustively catalogs for us in his book, Worlds in Collision.
     So it appears that, as Electric Universe evangelists have long insisted, our solar system has undergone radical changes over the millennia, and that those changes have been immortalized in myth, legend, religion, and even in games. Hence the 8x8 playing board, and the eight playing pieces, male and female, dark and light. Thus, Chess, cannot descend to us from antedeluvian times, and is unlikely to have been created after the Exodus. Either way, it's far, far older than the fifth century AD.
     Wait ... what's that about dark and light?!
     Oh, yes. As with the Greek myth of Persephone, its mere existence suggests a human memory of a time before the seasons we've come to take for granted. This has all been exhastively chronicled in such works as Hamlet's Mill (Here's part 2) and Paradise Found. I highly recommend them both. And what this change in the angle and/or the orbit of the earth resulted in was 12 hours of day, and 12 hours of night, hence the '24 elders', and 'four and twenty blackbirds'. And that right there gives us the conflict which is the basis of the game: The dark against the light. Not to mention the cooperation of the male and the female.
     And which side traditionally makes the first move? The light, of course. After all, the game wouldn't exist to be played in the first place had God not first created the heaven and the earth. As with so many things we see in Genesis, that is how the pattern is established.
     (You know, I really should expand on this in my Epistles section.)

Thanks to Angela Knight for suggesting this video.
12:00 EST
     The reason for starting this aspect of my web-site was to side-step facebook's all-too-obvious suppression of many of my posts there. And, as it turns out, it's not just happening to me, as the video below suggests. Of course, we've all heard the rumors. Maybe you've even seen people entirely disappear from the 'public space'. What facebook, twitter, et al are hoping is that you just don't notice missing posts, or even entirely missing people, because there are enough other distractions.

     And this is the very same tactic the elite started using on us via the 'mainstream media' many decades ago. All anyone knew was what they read in the newspapers. Later, this became radio. Still later, it became TV. Now, it's the internet, and, for far too many, facebook. But, already back in the heyday of newspapers, the power elite had recognized the opportunity before them, bought all the printing presses, and began to extend their influence into the content, and even the advertising, of all of those sources of information, ensuring that all that anyone knew was what those in control wanted them to know. It was literal mass brain-washing.
     Volumes have been written about this, so don't label me a kook, nut, or conspiracy theorist. I'm no conspiracy theorist. It's no theory. It's fact. It's proven. We have events, dates, and even names. In some cases, we even have Congressional testimony.
     It's just that little to nothing was ever done about any of it. And the question is ... Why?
     What I am, then, is a conspiracy analyst.
     And, as an analyst, I've observed that the power elite were able to use their mass-media influence to worm their way into our government; not the other way around. And this is important. It appears to me that our government had been cleverly enough designed to resist such attacks. But, of course, it was our government which had been their primary focus from the very outset of this nation. As I said yesterday, just spend some time listening to the excellent JBS video excepts from Art Thompson's book, To the Victor go the Myths & Monuments.
     Furthermore, as an analyst, it occurs to me that we have had the power, all along, to overcome this great conspiracy. We just forgot how to use it. Remember how, just 10 years ago, people used to e-mail interesting things to one another? How did we fall out of that practice? We let the C_A-backed-n-developed facebook insert itself into the conversation. And facebook then resumed the old elite power-play of controlling the conversation.
     It's time to kick them out of the conversation.
     How do we do this?
     Turn back the clock!
     E-mail your friends and family. Tell them what you're doing, and why. Ask them whether they would be receptive to you sharing things you find interesting with them. If they accept, send a daily list of links, articles, whatever. Just be sure to add a consistent subject line that will allow them to easily identify those e-mails.
     Now, for some caveats:
     Act responsibly.
     Avoid click-bait, alarmist subject lines.
     Learn to recognize speculative news.
     Always look for the author and the date of the article. If those things are missing, you probably shouldnt't share it.
     Become aware of opinion disguised as facts, no matter how much you agree with it. (Remember Glenn Beck's disastrous 'cheetos' episode?) (The only reason anything like that should have been shared with anyone was as an example of how to kill your credibility, and your career, NOT as any kind of actual information about anyone, or support for whatever point he thought he was making.) (And, personally, I have to wonder whether Mitt Romney played a role in that.) (Notice how I worded that last sentence!)
     Do NOT simply forward along anything and everything you get from somewhere else.
     Be wary of deliberate hoaxers.
     Play the part of a 'sanity-check' on your friends.
     Actually read the articles and/or listen to/watch the videos TO THE END!
     And, if you get ANY garbage from anyone, challenge them on it. Find out whether they actually fell for it, and educate them if they did. If they keep on offending, block them. It's easy. I can show you how. And tell them that you've blocked them, and why. Hey, we've all got those friends/relatives, right?
     Do your own homework.
     And, if you forward something about a subject widely held in low regard, make sure you have something intelligent to offer, like this: World Events Academia Cannot Explain And, yes, that's a bit of a click-baity title, but, on watching it, you'll see that they at least offer some substantiating evidence worth considering. (But I remain skeptical, by the way.)
     Use logic!
     If an article says things like so-and-so says someone will probably be arrested/charged/indicted today, then you should stop right there, and focus on that word, probably. That doesn't mean that anything has actually happened, or even will actually happen. News (so-called) is, after all, what has actually happened.
     And educate yourself a bit, too. An indictment doesn't really mean much. There's even a famous saying among lawyers, "You can indict a ham sandwich." So don't forward trash 'news' like that.
     And there are many more such weasel words such as that which allow those 'news' web-sites to get away with publishing the wildest nonsense imaginable. They are the tabloids of the web, and they are there to make you look like an idiot for believing/sharing their garbage, and to make others stop listening to anything and everything they hear, especially from you.
     You don't want that.
     Guard your reputation with your life!
     Use your head. Use discretion. THINK! Then forward once you've thought it through.
     Use links to web-sites where possible.
     Copy the text and pictures into your e-mail where necessary. (And that necessity may be where there's a real fear that the links may be eliminated later.)
     Above all, rely on what you, personally, have actually seen with your own eyes.
     Here's an example.
     Back in 2009, I was still living in California. The housing bubble had popped. So said the news. What did I actually see? I saw the guy accross the street from me sell his home, which he'd paid $225,000 for, to some retired GM factory worker for about $800,000. The former owner moved up the hill into an $800,000 home. And, in fact, we'd observed skyrocketing poperty values since we arrived 5 years earlier. My wife feared we'd never be able to afford a home, but I knew this couldn't continue forever, and would have to reverse, at least a bit. And it did ... and didn't. My neighbors jumped the gun. They bought the $800K McMansion on the hill before they sold their old house. It never did sell. They tried renting it out. That didn't work out so well because they had to charge so much rent to help them pay for their new home. Eventually, they had effectively turned the place into a group home. One of those 'families' even parked a speedboat in the driveway, which was against the rules, causing some trouble with the HOA, and, eventually, everyone was kicked out. Before we left, that house was abandoned. The yard turned into a grasshopper farm, and rats were turning up everywhere. Why? Because the bank that foreclosed on it wouldn't sell it for what they could get for it. They were going to keep it off the market, trying to artificially create scarcity in the hope of keeping prices high.
     There were even local TV news shows about this practice.
     That's what I saw.
     I heard that this had all come about because the government of California had been 'colluding' with the real estate agents and the banks, trying to artificially overheat the market in order to lure people into trading up, so that California could harvest increased revenues from property taxes. And that was due to the fact that proposition 13, back in the 1970s, had limited their ability to just keep taxing property owners whatever they felt those owners' property was worth. As a result, California could only ever tax you for what you paid for the property. So ... if they could get you to move into more a more expensive home, they could charge you taxes on that home's value. How did they persuade you to move on up? EASY CREDIT! This started a frenzy which drove up the values of the older homes, too. Soon, everyone was eager to buy a home, no matter the terms of the loan, because it would double in value in a year or two, and you could sell it again for 100% profit.
     Did the government of California do this? I have no proof. Not that any of them would ever admit it. But we sure saw the effects of it. The facts sure added up. And, I also saw this:
     As the banks started to fail, they started to rent homes for the poprety taxes alone. That only worsened the problem. Demand finally started dropping. Values then started dropping. More and more people were walking away from their mortgages, even leaving the state. California was netting less revenue. How much less? I don't know. But what I do know is that the police started cracking down severely. It was pretty evident to me that the police were being sent out as the shakedown artists to wring every last penny they could get from the peasants in order to pay the king's bills. I'd seen this before in the south. I recognized it immediately. We all used to drive 80 MPH on the 65 MPH highways. Not any more! Suddenly, you'd get pulled over for driving 66 MPH. If your tire touched a solid line, you'd get pulled over. I saw more cops pulling more people over the day I left California than I'd ever seen in my life.
     That's what I saw.
     Look. We can take back the information war. All we have to do is use the tools at our disposal, and USE OUR HEADS!
     This isn't just a war of words; it's a battle between truth and lies.
08:25 EST
     I grew up in a medical environment. Am I a doctor? No. Frankly, I could never see myself with my hands in someone else's ... anything. But, my mother was a nurse. She even had me help her prepare for her tests by quizzing her from her books. My brother-in-law is a doctor. I personally experienced the United States healthcare system in both its civilian and military variants. I experienced the German healthcare system fairly closely.
     While in Germany, I got some work producing some documents and graphs for a group of homeopathic doctors who found themselven defending their entire profession from full-frontal assault by the UN. It turned out that Germany was just a bit behind (by decades) (as usual) in going through what Jerry Tenant refers to here, with the bone-saw and chemistry-kit group ganging up on any and every other form of healing art, especially the homeopaths.
     Now, I'm not saying that I agree with this, but, as I said, I'm not a doctor. But he is. And he's licensed, as he says, in more than one state. There could be something to this. Moreover, I've also been following the corruption of government, religion, science, and ... medicine, for many years. Just look up Stefan Molyneaux's excellent monologue on how government solved the healthcare crisis. Strangely, the Rockefellers always turn up. And we see them here, too.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~