Thursday, 28 March 2019

(AKA Thunder's day!)

18:24 EDT
     Apropos the earth, here are some figures I got from here.
     They seem well within my own calculations using the area of a sphere, wikipedia, and the CIA factbook.
Saltwater 352,103,700  69.03
Freshwater    9,028,300     1.77
Arable land  44,682,307    8.76       44,682,307
Mountains  29,788,205    5.84
Ice/Snow  29,788,205    5.84
Dry land  29,788,205    5.84       29,788,205
Rock/Sand  14,894,102    2.92        14,894,102
Total510,073,024100       89,364,614
Per person                       3
     Now for some caveats:
     I'm assuming the global population figure of 7,000,000,000 people even though I know this is not accurate. How do I know it's not accurate? I know that India and China both have deliberately inflated their population figures for decades, because of the international aid this garners. China, after all, had a one or two child (depending on where you lived) policy in place for decades, and yet, their population figures are supposed to have remained unchanged. Meanwhile, they fill in their labor shortages by importing it from the middle east, and that to build entire cities for which there are no Chinese tenants. Someone somewhere hasn't got the nerve to tell their superiors that their population control worked too well. India, meanwhile, is actually battling declining reproduction rates.
     I'm also omitting all land deemed mountainous and/or icy even though Switzerland and Tibet prove just how useable mountains can be, as well as cities like Barrow, Alaska and Yakutsk, Siberia which manage nicely in perpetual sub-zero weather. Then, of course, are the arctic and antarctic stations. If we can put a manned station in space, we can live in Antarctica.
     I'm including barren land because shopping malls and apartment complexes don't need topsoil. Just look throughout most of our southwest. Las Vegas still booms. But, if crops become necessary there, too, our technology can easily solve that problem.
     So what's the bottom line? Simple. Dividing up just over half the total land of the earth among her children, leaving the rest to remain completely wild, gives each person three whole acres to do with as they see fit.
     Now, mind you, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young envisioned a Zion where everyone got one acre. That's it. One acre was supposed to be enough to meet all your wants and needs. And, indeed, with our technology, that certainly could be the case. I've seen examples where families of 5 and 6 grow more food than they can eat on 1/4 acre in Los Angeles county. Surely one person can do better on three acres. A family of 5 would have FIFTEEN ACRES!
     Have you ever lived in an area where each family was surrounded by about 15 acres? I have. We're not just talking rural here, we're talking wilderness: tree-lined dirt roads, deer raiding the garden in the back yard, and racoons raiding the trash-cans in the front yard. We're talking about a lifestyle where you have to have everything you might need for at least a year at a time, and be competent with every type of machinery and tool, as well as some medicine and first aid.
15:59 EDT
     This is what happens when you get busted. (Helaman 9:33)

13:01 EDT
     My wife (bless her heart) got curious about my mention of the web (in the UV article below). (Told you she sees everything I do!) The resulting conversation seemed worth sharing with you.
     Many, especially in France, like to portray the French revolution as an echo of the American revolution. It wasn't. The French revolution was actually the dress-rehearsal for the Bol'shevik revolution 128 years later. As such, we see many of the same tactics, even the same players (as identified by role, personality, beliefs, etc.).
     Research all you want, the one thing that becomes obvious, but which hardly anyone ever seems to see (the proverbial elephant in the room) is the speed and consistency with which both news and rumors spread. Just recall the infamous and bogus "Let them eat cake." Edmund Burke, who was, by the way, very pro-American revolution, and yet very anti-French revolution (because he could see what each was really all about) (Look up John Adams' horror at the Boston Tea Party.), was also the one who, just two years before the onset of the French revolution, first coined the term, Fourth Estate, the others being 1) the clergy, 2) the nobility, and 3) the rest of us. It was this fourth estate which became the accelerant, turning what might otherwise have been just another bonfire into a bomb-blast, a decade-long blood-bath too few today see for what it really was.

     Now, while past fiscal irresponsibility were battering them on one side, and unforseen weather catastrophes were battering them on the other, the nobles of France suddenly found themselves paralyzed by the various revolutionaries' newfound propoganda mills: the portable printing press. These machines allowed the rabble-rousers to prove the old adage that a lie can go half way 'round the world while the truth is still getting its pants on'.
     Smashing the more manifestly libelous pampleteers' operations only provoked the public more, but what else could they do? The nobles were utterly clueless at fighting a battle of words, especially printed words, all previous public tussles having been fought exceedingly delicately lest anyone lose their head over it. But, with the recently emboldenend (and, now, armed) hordes storming the Bastille, that was no longer the case. The gloves were off, and the nobles were defenseless in this low-class, bare-knuckles, verbal brawl. And they got their heads handed to them.
     In other words, while Burke and England may have birthed it, it was the French revolution which raised the fourth estate, and the fourth estate razed France.

     Cooler heads were present, but did not prevail, and a lot of heads rolled for it. But lessons were learned on both sides, one of which was, on the part of the Jacobins and their kind, that all they need to do is keep pushing out 'let them eat cake' nonsense, and they can make the crowd do anything they want. And, the first thing they should want is mob rule, aka Democracy, further ensuring that the press really runs the show.
     But their opponents were not as stupid as the ... shall I just keep calling them Jacobins? ... believed, or hoped them to be. The conservatives, so named because of their moderate nature, as opposed to the radical nature of their opposition (Just look at every radical movement anywhere. Sooner or later, they start trying to throw everything overboard, even the calendar. That shows who they really are.), organized and analyzed. They used their better judgement and morality to look long and hard at the enemy. And something they noticed was that the apparent enemy was just that. Someone else, somewhere else, was bankrolling the rabble-rousers. And the rabble-rousers didn't really believe in the cause they appeared to champion. And the rabble-rousers had lots of curious connections, lots of suspicious friends, interesting travel iteneraries, and damning personal habits.
     It didn't take long for the good guys to figure out how to not only use this fourth estate against itself, but to create one of their own. And it's been growing. We've seen many organizations formed to disseminate 'the other side of every story' we were being told. Naturally, the bad guys countered, too, with a cadre of 'flat-earthers', meant to make anyone who refuses to accept the official party line look like ... well ... flat-earthers. This is what Alex Jones is really all about. And that party line was being disseminated via the 'mockingbird' media.

     Now, today, the pendulum has swung the other way. We have the world-wide-web. Everyone has the ability to set up their own printing press, just as I've done here. (And you could do it, too!) But, unlike the French revolution, and much more like the American revolution, cooler heads prevail. The cabal thought that, as long as they kept us placated with bread and circuses, as long as they kept us (with Hollywood's help) fighting one another by setting us at one other for every conceivable reason, as long as they controlled the conversation (with facebook, twitter, etc.), they could eventually herd us all into their cattle-cars.
     You think I just donned my tin-foil hat? Look around. Remember the sci-fi 'cities under glass' we used to read about? Remember all the fantasy about life on other worlds? I've literally seen a huge, UN promoted book extolling the virtues of mankind living under the sea. The meek shall inherit the earth. In the mean-time, Satan will do his best to steal it from them. It's not just our bodies he wants; it's the entire earth. If he can take the earth, he gets us in the bargain, too. Have you ever noticed how the cabal are always pushing ecological doctrines? The water supply. The ozone layer. Greenhouse gasses. Deforsetation. Dwindling oil. And on and on. The reason is that, just as the nobles of old, they see this entire world as their playground, and us as the ride operators. Operators who should be as invisible as possible. Just watch the old Anthony Hopkins movie, The Remains of the Day. Notice how the 'staff' just disappear behind hidden doors like they were never even there to begin with, and aren't even supposed to be a part of the 'real' house.
     With robots, even the staff won't be necessary.
12:47 EDT
     I have to wonder what impact these recent floods will have on the decade-long dredging of the Mississippi river. And this isn't just at the delta either. The need for dredging has been spreading up-river.

12:14 EDT
     Wow! Smollett lays 'their' impunity bare. (But he's already dug his grave with his own pen.) Comey is gasping for air. Papadopoulos is loaded for Brennan bear. The MSM is hemorrhaging fans. Obama admin caught thwarting Soros investigation. Maduro has saboteurs. (But who are they?) The Democrats are behind Antifa. (As if we didn't already know.)

     I'm dying to see how the Republican party is going to become known as the party of health care. My hope? Vouchers. That would take the medical community off the welfare system, reigniting the innovation that has made us the greatest in the world, while simultaneously motivating frugality. And, having worked in and around the health care industry for decades, I can tell you, they just burn through vast fortunes for no good reason. Largely useless bums are able to gouge the market with a backhoe under the protection of unnecessary laws.
11:22 EDT
     The levels of ultra-violet light penetration have been creeping up, too, and have been for years. This is probably due to the weakening magnetosphere, but there are those who claim it's due to a thinning ozone layer. I personally favor the former, and feel that the latter is a barometer of the magnetosphere. Curiously, official weather data doesn't reflect this. (But this is what the web is for.)

10:14 EDT
     As if you didn't have enough to worry about.
     I told you, didn't I, that I'm into meteorology. Our daughter used to be, too. She even briefly entertained the idea of becoming a storm-chaser ... with me, of course. (Yeah, we're that kind of daddy-n-daughter.) She even bought me a weather channel tie for Christmas one year. I miss that tie. But I think I'll probably forget all about it as I see prophecy fulfilled right before my eyes.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~