Tuesday, 23 April 2019

(Kartikeya's day!)

     It begins.

     I know this will be a lot for you, and there's even more associated reading, most of which I've linked for you here, so I won't be writing again for a few days in order to give you time to work through it all, and to absorb it all. Much of it may, after all, challenge some of your most-cherished beliefs.

     One of Q's refrains is "Future proves past."
     We're pretty much in agreement now that what this cryptic phrase means is that future (news) events will prove the validity of (Q's) past 'tweets' (bulletins), and that what this is all about is that 'Q' (most likely a team of generals close to President Trump) has planned out, in excrutiating detail, years in advance, all the events we're seeing only the barest traces of in the news today.
     And those in the know have certainly been seeing a lot of those traces leading to the much-anticipated validations lately, but one that stands out in my mind is post # 1445:

     "Spade" is Kate Spade, who had been found in her Manhattan apartment by her housekeeper, hanging from a red scarf tied around a doorknob, dead, of an apparent suicide, just 5 days earlier. Interestingly, Anthony Bourdain, too, had apparently also committed suicide by hanging just a few days prior to Kate.
     Now, to be fair, the conspiracy theories had already been circulating for days before Q's tweet, but her cryptic suicide note ("Ask Daddy"), as well as the timing, certainly didn't help quell those flames. Q merely focused them for us.
     And then there was that red scarf. We'd seen that before.

     Then, as if all that weren't enough, came Kate's husband, Andy Spade, turning the entire affair into a media circus by stepping out in a mouse mask, a mouse wearing ... a red scarf. Who does that?

     And that was no mere mouse; it was Bernard, from Disney's The Rescuers, a movie about an international organization, a 'foundation' whose mission is to rescue endangered 'children'.

     And therein the great irony. But more on that later.
     Perhaps even more remarkable, though, and what certainly began to cause suspicions to mount, was the suicide, about the same time, of a princess of Argentina, Inés Zorreguieta, younger sister of Queen Máxima of the Netherlands.
     But you probably never heard of any of this.
     I'm not surprised.

     I've known two people who killed themselves. They both put a gun to their heads, and pulled the trigger. I've seen others do it. They jump from someting tall, or just turn the steering wheel at the wrong time. That's how suicide works. When you want to die, you don't mess around with something where all you have to do to end it is stand up. And you can't hang yourself with a scarf or belt draped over a door in such a fashion that you can't bail out after a few seconds of waiting. You want it done and finished. You want it out of your hands. You want irreversible committment, like those who jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. What you don't want is to have to wait for seconds, maybe minutes, time during which one must maintain their resolve in order to end their life. Few on this planet have ever had that kind of resolve.
     Q's repeated denouncements of coincidences notwithstanding, it was more than timing that raised suspicions among us 'conspiracy analysts'. Máxima is, after all, Argentinian.
     You do know about Argentina, don't you? It was one of the two, major destinations for Nazis fleeing justice after WWII, the other being Brazil. And this is because Germans had already been moving to Brazil and Argentina for decades. Even today, there are entire towns where German is normally spoken. (I even considered moving there myself.) (After all, my first wife had been born in Rio de Janeiro.)
     And where was that most recent shooter, Sol Pais, from?
     That book, The Boys from Brazil was, afterall, not entirely fictional. And even less so now.
     And Argentina is rather well known for its militaristic and expansionist, some might say Nazi-like, relationship with the world. Recall the Falklands War, a conflict deliberately timed to challenge two leaders who opposed the larger conspiracy at work there (and elsewhere), as well as to provide wall-to-wall news coverage meant to draw 'mind-share' away from other events that would also have to have at least some reporting, if only to provide plausible deniability. But we'll have to come back to that later, too.
     Moreover, the further south in South America, the better for the cold-blooded Germans. Thus, many of those who originally moved to Brazil ultiamtely ended up in Argentina, and the further south in Argentina, the better. It's even been rumored that they didn't stop there. You should probably read up on New Swabia, or Neuschwabenland, as I learned it in school, in a part of Germany called Schwabenland. It wouldn't be a bad idea to research Operation Highjump, too, asking yourself this: Why was such a large military expedition needed in 1946 just to establish Little America IV a mere 30 miles from Little America III?
     And why was Little America V so much further away?
     But now, on to Holland, aka The Netherlands.
     Not only has Holland been a notoriously morally bankrupt land of decadence for a century, or more, but it is also a land even more 'welcoming' (though, as with everywhere else, NOT by the locals) to Arabic/Muslim immigrants. And Arab Muslims, it turns out, had a far cozier relationship with the Nazis than is widely known today, every bit as cozy as the Nazis had with Holland, Holland being essentially northern Germany.
     In short, CNN never covers anything like this. Neither does Time magazine. You'll almost never hear anything about any of this anywhere at all except from me. And that's only because I grew up in it.
     The shaved-headed, combat-boot-shod clowns spitting fire, and flailing Swastikas today only wish they were Nazis, although, in truth, they probably are being funded by real Nazis, like George Soros, but only as a smoke-screen. It's an ancient martial arts technique called the monkey. You make a lot of noise, act the buffoon, and people quickly dismiss you as a joke. Until you cock the hammer and shoot them. No real Nazi would be caught dead acting like such a fool, though. Instead, they prop up these pseudo-brown-shirts to be their fall-guys and their diversions. Meanwhile, the real Nazis are about their real work.
     And now for that plot-twist out of left field that you never saw coming.
     There are some things about Hitler and the Nazis you probably never knew. And that's probably because they don't want you to.
     "Say what?!"
     I told you that book was not all that fictional.
     I've also told you how these ... what term would best fit? Lamanites? King men? Gadianton Robbers? Nehors? The point is that they are all evil, they are all villians, but they are hardly monlithic. There are at least three, likely four, but maybe even more (the lines can be a bit vague) major, competing camps that I'm aware of, each of which would happily annihilate the others, if they could, but all of which cooperate, to varying extents, and in some seriously demented ways, in order to maintain the status quo. And within these camps, there are smaller fiefdoms, each vying for dominance within their respective houses.
     So, for simplicity's sake, let's say that we have the royalty, the bankers, and the Nazis for want of a better word. You probably know them as the globalists, but that's just a euphemism designed to confuse you about who they really are.
     And then there's us: Their cattle.
     The clergy aren't really clergy; they're bankers pretending to be royals, hence the Vatican Bank coupled to their feeble claim to the throne of the king of kings. It's all a sham in much the same way as the bankers pretending to be pseudo-royals, like Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. They're no more Socialists than Getty was. That's just the store-front to draw in the gullible. Besides, what Socialists really are is Nazis. And, if you doubt it, just read their books, and then watch their actions. (Don't fall for their public addresses. Read between the lines.)
     The Arabs, or rather the house of Saud represent the royals. Don't believe me? It's a kingdom, isn't it? Moreover, they're related to the Queen of England! You didn't know? You've really got to keep up on these things. And they're related through more than one line. The Stone of Destiny is, for some reason, the token of divine right. Supposedly it was taken from Scotland by the English, but it actally has Irish provenance, and that, almost certainly, because, as has long been known by anthropologists, the Irish came almost directly out of Mesopotamia. But, again, we'll have to involve ourselves in that more fully next time.
     And, within each of these, we have the various 'intelligence' and military operators, any one of which may have loyalties that are somewhat difficult to describe even in their own minds. Did you really never wonder why it is that we have 'seventeen' separate intelligence agencies? Surely there's got to be some overlap there.
     And there is, deliberately so.
     But coming back to Hitler, he himself shows us just what kind of people they all are. He put on a patriotic show for the Germans, but, behind the scenes, it was all about him, and conquering the entire world. Was he a Socialist? Yes, of a sort. What you must understand is that Socialism is just another name for the same old tyrrany of the ancients, the very sort of heirarchy of monsters we see in the Book of Mormon perhaps most clearly on display when Amalickiah is storming his way up the 'corporate' ladder, or when Akish was plotting against both Omer and Jared. And all that, once again, because of a woman, the daughter of Jared. (And you really have to wonder what became of her after all that.)
     There are even those among them who at least make a pretense of dignified, disciplined behavior. And they loathe the Bacchanalians among them who just wallow in their excesses. But, strip away that veneer, and they're all the same. Where one drapes a veil of ordinance and ritual over their demonic practices, the other simply indulges in, and then disposes of their human victims like so much garbage, hence their maniacal insistance upon the publicly supported butchery of the unborn. It's their justification. They're no worse than we; we're no better than them. The truth is that all these competing factions actually serve a single, ruling principle, a principle with an overarching agenda, a personality, a name.
     But there are some things about Hitler which, as I said, are not widely known, such as the fact that he was a vegan. That alone should tell you almost everything anyone needs to know about vegans, but, wait, there's even more.
     He had managed to arrange for his niece, Geli Raubal, to live with him, away from her own family, in his Munich apartment. Whether she committed suicide (which is doubtful), or he murdered her, there was something very unsavory about their relationship. If she did kill herself, it seems much more likely to have been due to her inability to cope with whatever Hitler was inflicting upon her. And, likewise, if he murdered her, it seems likely that it was because of her inability to come to grips with his expectations of her. And the books are full of plenty of examples of both scenarios. But I fall on the side of murder because, I feel, I have glimpsed his soul.
     Hitler was walking the line between the 'civilized' barbarians, and the barbaric civilians.
     And even that's not all. Hitler's foremost comrade and confidant for many years, from about 1920 until his death in 1934, a total of 14 years, was one Ernst Röhm, a very public, and very flamboyant homosexual. And while many erstwhile supporters would deny it, I have personally seen recruiting films, made after Röhm's demise, that showed dozens of tall, fair, scantily clad, Nordic type males frolicking about on prarade fields, and through the woods, in what can only be described as thinly veiled, homoerotic soft porn.
     Their target audience was all too obvious.
     The book, The Pink Swastika, has supposedly been debunked, though it's far from clear how, or in what way, it has been debunked. Homosexuality among high-warrior cultures, such as the late Persians, Greeks, and Romans, was one of the most undeniable, if less pleasant surprises awaiting archaeologists.
     Did you know that his personal physician was a Jew? Like I said, all that public blustering was just that: Public. For the masses. Not to be taken as his true, inner belief. It never is. As Hillary Clinton once so eloquently put it, 'she has both a public and a private position'.
     True to his nature, as soon as it became apparent to Hitler that his bosom buddy's lifestyle tarnished his image in the eyes of his public, Röhm was a dead man walking. And he knew it, too, and fled. But Hitler and his henchmen found him out, and murdered him. You can forget the official version. I saw a taped interview where one of Hitler's men told how they dispatched Röhm's men, then stood outside his room while Hitler entered. A few minutes later, Hitler emerged, and Röhm was dead, strangled with bare hands. It was easy. He'd already killed his own niece and erstwhile lover ... or witness ... or whatever. What's a few million more? After all, as Stalin said, one death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.
     So, where does that put us?
     It puts us in a world that works nothing like you were taught as a child.
     It puts us in a society where no news can be taken for granted; it's all propaganda. Even history books are, as Napoleon himself discovered, "a set of lies agreed upon."
     It puts us in a world where the Nazis actually did kind of win. They won by changing strategies, faking us out, sending us on a wild goose chase. They won by selling us on the benefits. Joseph Mengele's sick experiments could not be performed today, but the knowledge gleaned from them was inestimable. Werner von Braun put us on the moon. The Nazis went east. They went west. They even went south, probably all the way to Antarctica. Above all, they went underground, metaphorically speaking. They're everywhere. They never went away. They just repackaged themselves. But, and this is the most important point, they had help. And that help came from the royal houses of Europe. In some ways, they acted even through our own government. But it was the royals of Europe nonetheless. And they had the help of the bankers.
     Ask yourself this.
     If the great depression was so insurmountable that nothing in FDR's 'New Deal' had any measurable or lasting impact on it, ... If it was so all-encompassing that there was just no money anywhere with which to initiate any kind of a recovery, ... How, exactly, did the advent of World War II somehow magically loosen the strings of empty purses enough to energize the industrial miracle of the United States so much that it beat the most efficient killing machine the world had ever seen, The Third Reich, in just fifteen months?
     Oh! What? You thought WWII raged for six years? Well, it did for Europe. It raged for five years for England. And many Americans actually went to Canada, that time to get into the war, not run from it. Official US participation in the war began with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on 7 December, 1941, it's true, but, over those three and a half years, we only spent a tenth as much defeating the Japanese as we spent fighting the Nazis.
     Japan was an afterthought.
     Hitler was the main event.
     But it gets even worse when you research the finances and industrial capacity, and find that Britain had utterly no need of our assistance. Remember who they were back then. Britain comprised not merely the British Isles (most of them anyway) (Ireland sat that one out) (and for good cause), but much of North Africa, all of India, including Pakistan and Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, much of China (everyone forgets about that), and, of course, Canada, too. The USA was a piker compared to Britain. And we knew it. So why were we there? How did we even get there?
     The only answer can be that someone wanted us to join the party for some purpose that didn't serve our best interests, but only theirs. They even pulled Winston Churchill off the shelf for apparently little more reason than that he alone had the genealogy to bridge the ocean, and form a sort of common bond, which, it was hoped, would help ease the way for us. What genealogy? Winston Churchill's mother was American. She was only nominally American, but that was enough. So they sobered the man up, gave him some radio air-time, wrote him some good lines, found that he could deliver them better than the king, and Winston found his moment in the spotlight. He probably never really got the joke, though, and couldn't really fathom that, having fulfilled his role and his contract, he was just no longer needed.
     The English royalty were, after all, Germans themselves.
     What?! You didn't know that either? Look it up. They had even attempted to gloss over that little fact by 'changing their name' even before the end of the first war.
     After the war, certain policies and ambitions were altered in order to be achieved through other means. India, China, and Africa would become mere trading partners after the model of the USA. After all, just look at how beneficial that turned out to be!
     More and more, divestiture was the name of the game. Even Rhodesia was turned into Zimbabwe. Little did anyone notice that power only appeared to be changing hands.
     Having fooled us all, the cabal of bankers, royals, and Nazis had only regrouped, rebranded, and pulled a vanishing act.
     After all, they can't be the devil. For there is none.

~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~