Thursday, 2 May 2019

(It's Red-beard's day!) (Think: Barbarossa!)


     This one actually took me by surprise.

     I'm just really loving this President.


     You really have to have sympathy for a girl whose parents had to pay TEN TIMES more than others just to get her into school.

     For those keeping score, Q was right about this, too: Far bigger than you know.

     C_A Indeed!

     The revelations about the CIA, or rather its rogue elements, just keep coming.

     Just in case you're not up on current events, most of those bizarre and unseemly things we've heard that 'America' did, or 'the government' did, or even some President supposedly did, actually turns out to have been this rogue element of the CIA which Q refers to as the C_I (the CIA without any intelligence). All that stuff about the CIA smuggling drugs into the US, selling weapons to terrorists, arming the drug cartels, even arming countries with nuclear weapons ... It's all true.
     But don't think of it as a small faction. They were actually pretty big, and very international. And when American tax-payer funding wasn't enough to fuel their ambitions, they kicked the mob to the curb, and took over their business, selling drugs to Americans, and the whole world, for that matter.
     It's very lucrative. And there were a lot of buyers of their other services, assassinations, controlled opposition, even entirely bogus political candidates who were really nothing more than C_A operatives. They even won some elections!
     Bizarrely, Hollywood's movies painting them as such bad guys was actually welcome. It served as recruiting propaganda!
     But all that's coming to an end.
     Well, it is here.
     But other countries are going to have to step up and clean their own houses, or this cult will just come right back again as soon as the coast is clear.


     But not really. Why? Because this will be water in the same sense as the 'vast oceans of water' that have long been known to be embedded in the rocks of the earth's crust. And that's far from being usable in any meaningful way. You can't pump it out, or even crush the rock to liberate it. It's molecular water spread throughout the rock's crystaline structure. So, really, it's just more proof of the Electric Universe's claim that all these asteroids and comets were once part of a planet, maybe even the earth. In fact, just looking at them gives you the impression that they were only recently torn from, say, the Grand Canyon.

     Wind and waves are also on the increase, but, again, just as with the Atlantic conveyor, this is all electrically driven by the sun.

     This is going to end badly. Glass houses. Just sayin'.

     As I said, they're always wrong about their predictions, and always completely surprised by the actual outcomes.

     Wow! I drove down Laurel Canyon in Sherman Oaks probably once a week, and I never knew any of this.

     Holy cow! I never knew any of this history either.

     Here's a sport I'd love to see here in the USA. I'd like to participate in it myself.

     Did you know I ride something like this? Without a fairing, but otherwise just like them.

Ahem ... "Also check out descriptions of Jesus Christ as both Pilate and Gamaliel - where they both describe Jesus as a white person with golden beard and hair (a splitting image of his mother Mary) with dark blue eyes."

But there's a problem with this account: No mention of the earthquake. I don't believe it.

Yet another reason I'm so skeptical of the party line disguised as science:

     WHOA! This Catholic church rift just went hot.

     Civil society?! When did society become the ultimate arbiter of good and evil?

     This is an excellent channel for keeping up with the latest in spacecraft and space program developments. I'm still waiting to hear more about our new Space Force, though. Heard anything?

     More reading from Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision. Gravity must exceed the speed of light by millions of times. In fact, it must be instantaneous.

     You probably know by now how important language is to me.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~