Thursday, 9 May 2019

(It's Raijin's day!)

     Welcome to Pennsylvania!

     It's not known as the keystone state for nothing.
     And Minnesota is turning pivotal, too.

     Can you believe this?

     Foreign powers actually own our ports!
     That would be like having, say, an MS13 thug as your doorman or security guard. I don't care how friendly some other country is, politics are fickle and volatile. And, if they turn into an enemy overnight, like Venezuela did, or sell to someone who already is an enemy, you're in trouble.

     Notice how dismissive the CFR is about objections. They should all be tried for treason.
     And it's not just the UAE, China owns several of our ports, too, like the Port of Long Beach.
     And, of course, these ports have been used to smuggle bad things in, like thousands of AK47 machine guns.
     Gee. I wonder what kinds of organizations favor that weapon.
     But President Trump is busy dismantling all that as you read this.

     Thank God for Donald Trump!

     Gee! Hypocrite much?

     These guys can't seriously think the public is that stupid, can they? I mean, Democrats are losing elections left, ... well, just left. But they are losing. Even casual observers are getting fed up with these jokers, fakers, and frauds.
     That Oregon clown, for example, the one who fined that Christian baker $135,000 ... He was really dismayed to find that he lost his election bid. IN OREGON!
     And he's just one. There are more. But, of course, one of the Dems' favorite snipes is tone deaf. How about this one, Dems: Can you read the hand-writing on the wall? Clearly Jerry can't. He's walking into a trap with both eyes wide open.


     What do you want to bet the college admissions bribery scandal spreads to Columbia?

     What do you want to bet someone not only got paid to get Barry into school, but even to completely fabricate his entire presence there ... decades later?
     It wouldn't be the first time we've caught the cabal changing history.

     I may have to eat my words, and, if I'm wrong, I will. But, if it turns out that I was right, remember that you heard it here first.


     As I was saying, this 'fake research' and bogus science topic is becoming so pervasive as to warrant its own site.

     Sooooooo, ... who's anti-science?


     Where I get to combine my repeating topics of global warming and Nazis in a single post!

     I keep trying to tell you all what a bunch of leftists the Nazis really were.
     But let's not forget the British.

     Remember the competing factions I told you about.
     It makes me weep for these poor souls who, like our own greatest generation, got robbed of the victory they thought they were really fighting for.

     All they were really fighting for was a bunch of corrupt elites who needed them to put out the fire they started, but who then, instead of rewarding their faithful servants, kicked them to the curb, dumbed down their children, and replaced them all with foreigners.


     Here's another Q post that gives me hope:

     "The future will not repeat the past."
     What does that mean?
     At least one thing, but maybe two things.
     First, it certainly means that the deep state (aka Gadianton Robbers) will not get to stop the train bearing down on them by assassinating the President. We believe there have already been several attempts, including this one, and this one, and this one, but all have failed (Here, kitty kitty) because the intelligence agencies, military, and Secret Service are finally all working as they should, for the most part, anyway, and are now all engaging the same target. So, the President, as well as his family, several Congressmen, and at least a few reporters are safe.
     Second, it could also mean the the Q team have already anticipated, and planned countermeasures against a resurgence of the Nazis once they've broken their power, and, in a repeat of the Nürnberger Trials, tried and convicted all the top players. Indeed, Q has alluded to this a few times.
     And this gives me hope.
     Otherwise, we'd only be looking at a few years of relative peace and safety before we resume our parallel of the Book of Mormon, where the believers start getting murdered.
     But, as I've said before, everything seems to be happening all at once now, so it can be a bit difficult to pinpoint exactly where we find ourselves in the Book of Mormon.
     And then there's this:
     The reason we even have the Book of Mormon in the first place is precisely because of all the wars chronicled in its pages. I know many struggle with the purpose of those conflicts in what would otherwise have to be seen as a purely ecclesiastical work, but there is a purpose, and this is that purpose.
     What's the purpose?
     Why did Mormon do this?
     Look at Joseph Smith's life. It was hard from the beginning, and not only because of his leg. There were other family dynamics at work there.
     His mother was a passionate woman, though his father clearly more stoic. His uncle was adamantly against organized religion, but Moroni's obvious presence there, as well as other angels, we may well suppose, appears to be the only explanation for the Second Great Awakening taking hold in an area otherwise deemed so unlikely that it had even come to be known as the "burned-over district". (We would say they were burned-out on religion, and viewed it with suspicion.)
     What's only ever implied about this revival's impact on Joseph's young world, though, is that his family was being torn apart by it, each family member going a different way. And young Joseph, at that age when one is beginning to become aware of such forces at work, was clearly upset by this, although, lacking his mother's sometimes maudlin or at least overwrought style, and following, apparently, more in his father's footsteps, he seems to minimze that aspect of the situation, focusing instead on the reasoning behind it all. Nevertheless, his anxiety can be felt in his own words. What else would drive a boy whose own family considered him the least likely to ever crack a Bible to begin seeking aid in its pages?
     But that's what motivation does. And that was Joseph's motivation. And what it did to him was the very same thing that it did to Mormon.
     Mormon (also a junior, it's worth noting) (I nickname the Book of Mormon the Book of Juniors because there are so many in it.) (And Joseph Smith was a junior, too.), afflicted by the certain doom encompassing his people, did what any soldier worth his salt would do: He cracked the history books.
     Anyone who's done enough writing gains a sense of timing and pace. And when you read the Book of Mormon all the way through in a single session, a few things about its timing and pace become apparent.
     First, the origin story is very expanded, sometimes dropping down to an hourly chronicle of events. But, soon after that, it glosses over decades, and skips entire years, slowing down only to study things like King Benjamin's speech in more detail.
     Then come Captain Moroni and the wars.
     Time here is expanded, once again, to an almost hourly pace, and the action is pretty good, too. And this is no mistake either. This is precisely the information Mormon was really looking for in the first place. The book he compiled was, at first, clearly an afterthought. It would later become his life's work, but, for now, he was looking for a solution to his problem, and, by the timing and pace, we can see that he was impressed with Captain Moroni.
     But Mormon kept reading.
     Because, the general cum historian had already noticed a pattern developing before his eyes: King Benjamin's speech was a triumphal moment in the chronicle, but what happened next?
     As the book itself tells us, the rising generation, those who had not heard King Benjamin speak, or were just too young to be touched by that spirit, drifted away from the way their parents walked. It's almost painful to say, but Benjamin's words, as powerful as they were to the converting of the hearer, were still not able to imbue the hearer with that same capacity to stir the hearts of their own children.
     And, so, Mormon read on. He read all the way up to his own time. He saw only one episode in the history books that looked like it might just be the way to save his people. And we can see this as the pace of the book speeds up to about its maximum soon after that.
     The days of Captain Moroni, Mormon had clearly decided, could not be repeated by him. And that for a couple of reasons. It must have taken a great deal of self-candor for Mormon to have to admit to himself that, where Moroni, atypical of military men, had a bit of Benjamin's gift for motivating others with inspired words, he, Mormon, did not. Besides, Moroni's failing health forced him to leave the field to his son (also a junior, the Jaredite 'hah' suffix in Moronihah meaning 'same as'), and the battle stagnated from then on, Moronihah apparently being unable to regain any more ground than had his father.
     Mormon didn't want to repeat that history, so he looked further, and there he found an episode where the Nephites achieved as close to a lasting peace as they'd ever seen, a peace later threatened, not so much by the Lamanites, as by the Nephites themselves. And that's about as much as he could hope for. Moreaver, that episode was presided over by a man much more like himself, a man Mormon was more comfortable emulating, a man whose very name was synonymous with action over words: Lachoneus.
     Just read carefully how Lachoneus handled Giddianhi.
     He never actually replies to his letter at all, let alone with a one-word response like "If".
     Talk about taciturn!
     And now you know why it was so appropriate that Lachoneus' parents gave him that name. And he certainly lived up to it. But, in doing so, he also showed Mormon a potential solution to his problem. And this is just the tactic we see Mormon employing, but with one caveat: The Lord tells him to stop preaching to the people. And he does.
     So, then, he adds a twist to the Lachoneus maneuver: He uses the main body of the Nephites as a decoy, a smoke-screen to cover his son's escape with the records which he, Mormon, has just completed compiling.
     And, by the way, this military man was so impressed with an earlier military man, Captain Moroni, that he named his son after him. Not only that, but he praised Captain Moroni as no other, but Christ himself, has ever been praised:
     "Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."
     Having studied history, he doesn't say this of Benjamin, Alma, or Nephi. Only Captain Moroni receives this honor.
     So, Mormon, the tragic, heroic general, opts for the Lachoneus maneuver, but longs for a Captain Moroni, which he knows he cannot be.
     But, this opens the door to suspicion that Mormon may have had a second ace up his sleeve, one he didn't even let his son know about, lest that information fall into enemy hands.
     Clans, and even entire cities escaping out the back way before anyone can pursue is a recurring theme in the Book of Mormon. Could it be that Mormon repeated that history, too? Could there have been a group of Nephites that survived the last great battle of their people after all? And, if so, what became of them?
     Have you ever heard of the Iroquois Law of Peace?

Man! I sure write a lot, don't I?
So why can't I ever get that book written?
What book?
Well, ... ok ... books:

The Clockwork Prophet
(the genius of the Liahona)

(connecting the New Testament's dots)

The Backstory of Mormon
(the [maybe not so] fictional rest of the story)

And that's in addition to the programming books I'd like to write, too.
But ya gotta have priorities!

~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~