Thursday, 23 May 2019

(It's Arthur's day!) (Ar Thor?)


     This is just downright brilliant.

     And true.
     It's what I do.
     What will you do?


     The best explanation I've ever heard of the origin of earth's oceans can be heard at 1:20.

     Scientists have long ago concluded that there's just no explaining our oceans. They're too big, and too salty, and too unlike any other planet/moon. So, they concluded, our oceans must have extraterrestrial origins, most likely by way of comets crashing to earth, or at least breaking up and vaporizing in the atmosphere.
     That has to be, imho, the main reason NASA still so fiercely clings to the long-ago debunked dirty snowboll theory of comets.
     But mythology tells a different tale. Most myths and legends associate our oceans with Saturn. They also associate the earth itself with Saturn, leading one to conclude that earth was once a moon of Saturn, or passed by very closely. Curiously, the rings of Saturn turn out to be frozen water ice, and even to have a faint, oxygen-bearing atmosphere.
     It's not too hard to connect those dots.

     Water, water, everywhere...

Speaking of water...

     Don't say we weren't warned. Farmers are delaying planting again this year, too.

     Because there's just too much water.

More GSM

     I think that, instead of rain, we need to start praying for some of that global warming.

     But someone(s), somewhere(s) are determined to keep this message from getting out.
     Do they hate us?

The Hammer

     It's amazing to me just how clever and demonic our enemies' symbolism can be.
     The Hammer, indeed! The hammer under which your information is auctioned off to the highest bidder. The hammer which comes down on you as a result.
     Perhaps you've heard it said before that the only reason so many services are offered for free today is that they aren't really free at all: You trade deeply personal information for them, information such as your interests, your location, your contacts (they track the numbers you call, and which call you), even your typing speed, word-patterns (how often and where you use words like the, and, or, but, my, I, etc.) (Have a look some time. You might be surprised.), vocabulary, spelling errors ... you just wouldn't believe what kind of information they can extract from what might seem to you to be the most insignificant of activities.
     These carriers (I italicize that because it's so ironic that they pretend to be carriers, when, in reality, they do far more than merely carry; they store and analyze everything.) are able to develop from all of this seemingly unrelated, insignificant information remarkably accurate and exploitable profiles on each of us. And those profiles are valuable to firms who feel that such information is critical to their fiscal survival. In other words, they believe that knowing us better than we know ourselves empowers them to all but pick our pockets.
     And this means that those enterprises offering us services as a product aren't really offering us a product at all; they're assembling a product out of us. We are the product. Where governments have long viewed us as so much revenue resource, the truth is that these mega-firms have also become accustomed to, and entitled to the fruits of our labors. This is why, after all, grocery stores began trying to extort our contact information from us decades ago. And let's not forget Radio Shack's even older practice of requesting our zip-codes whenever we bought anything, the very reason I made it a rule to never buy at Radio Shack.
     The slave markets of old never really disappeared; they just reinvented themselves.
     Ok, so we know about those things now. And, while our own government was empowered in our very Constitution to conduct a census every decade, that was the limit of the information the government was theoretically entitled to. Unfortunately, when adding the clarifications known an the Bill of Rights, no one seemed to think of specifying in the fourth amendment that census means nothing more than counting citizens. No phone number. No race. No home ownership.
     So, the solution? Follow the example of private enterprise! And, if private firms can compile such dossier databases, then so can private individuals ... even if they happen to be public servants.
     But, why?
     Revelation, once again, gives us our answer, in, appropriately enough, chapter 13.
     Don't see the connection? Really? Maybe a better understanding of the language would help. Remember that when scripture says "a man", it doesn't mean a particular, specific man; it means any man, or every man. So, has the beast forced a number on every man? I have one. And it's in my head all the time. Occasionally, I have to have to show my card, in my hand. And, right now, you're thinking that I'm about to say that my SS# is the number of the beast. But you'd be wrong. My SS# is MY number. But it has no bearing on whether I can buy or sell. There's another number, the beast's number, but that number does also apply to me. And that number decideds whether I can buy or sell. It's my credit rating. And, trust me when I tell you, that this number has already caused me considerable difficulty. It affects such unlikely things as my automobile insurance rates, home-loan interest-rate (and I say unlikely because, as every conforming home-loan contract stipulates, the home is the full collateral of the loan, so it's a secured loan. The bank owns it. They risk little to nothing. Why should I have to pay more than anyone else? It's criminal.) It even affects my ability to open a bank account.
     And when cash is banned, as they surely aim to do, you will not be allowed to buy or sell without a bank account. And you won't be able to have a bank account without the number of the beast, a minimal credit rating of 666 ... or thereabouts. The original number was 616, but someone changed it to 666 believing that Caesar Nero was the anti-Christ, and his name converted to 666, not 616.
     And when you are enslaved to this credit rating, then you are enslaved to the beast.
     Any wonder the United Order is so importand and so necessary to us?
     But, right about now, you're wondering what that connection is, too.
     It's ok. I'll explain it all in an upcoming article about the love of money, and the difference between what the United Order really is, and the pseudo-Communism most people erroneously seem to think it is. (Oh, c'mon! Be honest. Even you, too, surely thought the United Order was really Communism in pretty much every way but name.)
     And don't think Hussein and his Hammer were the only game in town.
     Wait till I tell you all about The Seven Dwarves, the C_A's seven-way super-computing cluster.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~