Saturday, 01 June 2019

(It's Father Time's day!)


Efik Mythology

     Any of this sound familiar?

     Like I keep saying, the entire gospel was known from the days of Adam, and filtered down through all the branches of the human family, in varying degrees of completion, accuracy, and language.
     The Book of Mormon makes this clear, too, by the way, saying that the Lord gives unto all people as much as they are willing to receive.


     How generous of them to give us what we paid for.

     It remains to be seen how raw and pure the images are. After all, they've been known to doctor images.


     I've long believed he was murdered.

     This isn't the first author to arrive at this conclusion. There was even a movie made about it back in 1978.


     You can read every book in your library on the pyramids, and still not find out things like this.

     For me, this changes everything.
     As I've said before, even the so-calle ancient Egyptians were vandals, clumsily repurposing monuments they found there, monuments which had been built before the flood, monuments which still stood out of the flood waters, enabling Egyptus to recognize the place, even though it was still under water.
     Here's a question that should strike any Latter Day Saint:
     Were you to chance upon a hill, the highest of any in the area, and find in that hill a stone box whose lid had apparently been pried off ... what would you suppose had been in that box? What would you suppose was now at large among mankind?
     Is the great pyramid (meaning fire in the middle) (like the Holy Spirit) not a great, if man-made, hill? Is it not the greatest anywhere in its vicinity? Is there not a stone box in it? Is that box's lid not missing? Does the broken corner of that box not suggest that it was damaged in the process of removing the lid? Say, by prying it off with a lever? And where are the contents of that box? It was very clearly not a tomb. But boxes are built to contain something. So what did this box contain? And who retreived those contents?
     This is what we call a parallel. I'm not suggesting that the great pyramid is Cumorah.

We are under attack.

     In every way.

Processed ... foods?

     I recall president Hinkley once mentioning highly processed foods.

Speaking of Haiti...


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~