Tuesday, 04 June 2019

(It's War's day!)

Cosmic Rays

     I've mentioned cosmic rays before. Here's a bit about them I'll bet you didn't know.

     Did you notice the Galactic part? Those are the nastiest of the bunch, especially the heavy iron. (Iron is kinda curious, by the way, being involved in sunspots, among other things.) And these things are moving at near lightspeed. They are bullets being fired down from above. And, unlike meteors, they don't break up or burn up in the atmosphere; they cascade into all manner of other particles. It's really a kind of rain. And it's increasing.
     Why are they increasing?
     Because, as atomic particles, they are easily captured and channeled by magnetic fields, just like old cathode-ray tube televisions used to do. But the magnetic field that has protected us for so long is faltering, again, letting more of these bad boys in, ...

... as has happened before.


     Say it aint' so.

     Can't rely on these folks.


     Looks like I'm not the only one to make this connection.

Schumann Resonances

     In case you want to keep up with them.

Fake News!

     Rachel Maddow has dug her grave with her own mouth.

     Wishful thinking is not news, Rachel!
     Now she's getting her head handed to her on a twitter platter.


     I found his education suspicious.

     His replacement seems to me to be a better fit.


     Even when I lived in Germany, before my awakening, I had become pretty keenly aware of the blatant bias in the news.

     "Despite all the official denials, the Border Patrol and the militia are working hand-in-hand."
     Eevery member of the militia you interviewed told you that. "We just try to get them to stop, and we report them to the Border Patrol."
     "There's poverty and crime. That's why we left."
     I was born in the USA to a home on a dirt road with no street lights, curbs, or sidewalks. We lived in the D.C. area. It was so tough, my parents used to send us to summer with my grandmother in New York.
     "They denounce reports and facts as lies and fake news."
     Well, you're sure not helping your cause with this report.
     "The militia have a strange idea of what's just and fair."
     It seems perfectly just and fair to me to expect the many wealthy people in Latin countries to take care of their own poor rather than exporting their problems to us.

Nothing to see here!

And in related news ...

     The Spanish Inquisition, too, was really a reaction to Islamic expansionism.

Also related...

     More and more, we're finding that the ancients had far more contact with one another than is widely suspected.

     Or ... maybe what we're learning is that the whole earth saw things, the same things, all at once, and all at the same time.


     I've been researching the Tribe of Dan. I really think there's something big there that's only just now beginning to be more widely recognized by the world.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~