Tuesday, 30 July 2019

(It's Shiramba's day!)

In brief ...

     * I've replaced the politically biased, deep-state tool, wikipedia, with a new, better source of reliable information: Infogalactic. Just click on today's subtitle to see it in action.
     * Frankenstein is no longer fiction! (WARNING!)
     * Recall that passage from Mosiah Hancock's autobiography where he related that Joseph Smth told him that the Democrats and Republicans would go to war?
     * Baltimore has just been named the nation's most dangerous city. (But, yeah, Trump's ... what? Partisan? Ignorant? Racist?)


     Admit it. You find my reports and commentary interesting in a sort of bigfoot sighting way: Not to be taken seriously. Well, this may change all that. Remember me speculating that we'd be hearing about some seriously next-level, James Bond, Goldfinger things, like submarines and underwater docks? Think that's just too bizarre to be real? Well, guess what. Jeffrey Epstein's gal-pal/madame/procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell, is a certified submersible pilot! (I didn't even know you could get a license in that, let alone that you needed one in order to drive one.)

Speaking of which...

     Remember what I told you about the power of the unions in Germany? Well, here you have it from another source.

There is just so much here...

     I'm just going to have to let you see it for yourselves. And you're not going to believe ... well ... just watch.

     * Obama has actually been caught on camera admitting that he was not only born in Kenya, but that he is NOT a US citizen.
     * The person who helped pull off the birth certificate scam was all too obviously eliminated in a very unlikely aircraft 'crash' and subequent, and equally suspicious drowning.
     * There is even video of the scuba-diver emerging from the water, and dragging poor Loretta Fuddy under the water.


     There's something about this that's just as fishy as all the others, but I just can't get much on it yet.


     Even many who've lived their whole lives in California are oblivious to just what an oil-state it is, especially southern California. I only know it because I ... well ... I paid attention. I read an article many years ago where several former students of Hollywood High School had managed to convince a judge that their cancer was due do the nearby oil rig. I drove by that oil rig often. I frequently took my kids to the La Brea Tar Pits, which were just a little further down the road. We lived in Santa Clarita, and often hiked in Placerita Canyon, across the highway from an oil field that you could see down into from the hills where we hiked. If you drove anywhere around it, though, all you saw was a tall, white fence.
     Once, when hiking in the canyon, high up in those hills, we smelled something like a road being paved. The smell grew stronger as we continued, and, as we rounded a corner, we stumbled upon a little, 3-4 inch tall geyser of cloudy, blue-white liquid sprining right out of the path, creating a small pool, which emptied down the slope into the (very dry) shrubbery.
     As we ended our hike, passing by the nature center at the entrance, I stopped in to alert the park rangers to the 'ruptured oil line'. They informed me that it was no oil or gas line. "Think about it", they said, "Why would anyone put a pipe up there? There's nothing and no one up there. The pipeline runs along the road down below."
     "Well, what is that then?"
     "That's white gas. Placerita Canyon oil field, across the road, is one of only a few places on earth that naturally produces 'white gas'."
     "ORLY?! So, why is it springing out of the ground, high up in the hills, miles away over here?"
     "Cuz they're not pumping it out fast enough. They'll have to step up their production. Don't worry. We'll tell 'em."
     Sure enough, just a few days later, I saw them erecting another drill. After a few weeks, the drill came down, and a pump replaced it, along with all the accompanying plumbing.

     So, why am I telling you this?
     Two reasons.
     1) It's happening again. This time, down near La Brea, tar is literally oozing up through the sidewalks. And, let me tell you, that stinks. A lot. And there's no cure. And the environmentalists have absolutely no one to blame it on, because ...
     2) As I've long said, we'll never run out. We can't run out. The production of hydrocarbons is something astronomers have observed with amazement for decades. All the gas giants, some of their moons, and Venus, all appear to produce hydrocarbons naturally. And the earth is no exception.

     Even the Saudi's oil fields, as heavily used as they have been -- for what? A century now? -- were supposed to have been depleted years ago, but continue to produce so much oil, they're practically giving it away. And, if you don't pump it fast enough, it'll literally burst up through the ground.
     So, some have tried to counter me by saying, "If that were true, we'd have some record of this happening."
     To which I say, "We do!"
     The Chinese have been 'drilling' for oil for centuries. And why? Because it once sprang up through the ground in such amounts, that they just went ahead and used it like any other resource. And when their needs exceeded what that spring offered, they had to 'help' that spring out, increasing its production.
     We also have records from the ancients of lakes of 'naptha' that burned for decades, ... DECADES! Imagine it! And this burn-off killed many thousands of people, animals, and tons of vegetation.
     So, while nuclear energy may be very clean, reliable, and safe, petroleum products still have a lot to offer, especially now that we can burn them so very cleanly. And there appears to be no practical limit, so I say we keep right on burning them until we can 'connect our apparatus to the very wheelwork of the universe'.

By the way, ...

     ... all this same petroleum production is also a sign of more than mere seismic activity. It's also a sign of volcanic activity.


     They've been showing this old movie on Starz an awful lot lately.

     Do they know something?

The Great City Moroni?


     You recognize that structure, don't you? I've shown you before.
     And then there's this:

     You do recognize it, don't you?
     And what's that in the north-east corner?
     Yeah. Never let anyone tell you that our religion has nothing to do with that of the ancients.


     Maybe they never took physics in high school.

     Every schoolkid in Europe learns about the 100-300v/m gradient in our atmosphere. (That's the 'wheelwork' that Tesla spoke of.)
     Huh! What?
     Yes, that's right. The potential electrical difference between your feet and your head averages around 200 volts at sea level. You don't notice this for a couple of reasons. First, the flux density (amperage) is very low, and, second, there's a lot of insulation in the atmosphere itself. This constitutes what we call an air-gap.
     But, as you climb, you reduce the potential difference per meter, but you reduce the insulation of the air-gap even faster. This is one of the reasons lightning tends to strike the tallest things around, especially mountains.
     Aaaaand ... as the grand solar minimum progresses, we're going to see higher voltages on the mountains. This is part of the effect I told you about Enoch prophecying, where the environment becomes so very electric, that no metals will be safe to handle, effectively becoming radioactive.
     In the mean-time, this same effect is what was seen by Moses on the mountain of God, when he saw the burning bush.

     This was also used (imho) by the builders of the great pyramid, who capped that electrically conductive edifice with a gold capstone, which would have had a similar effect as the burning bush whenever dangerous amounts of electricity were in the air.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~