Saturday, 14 September 2019

(It's Lord of the Rings' day!)


* Who is Joi Ito? And why is he EVERYWHERE? This guy is suspicious.
* Jerry Nadler (D/NJ) is trying to stop off-shore oil-drilling. (I told you. There's plenty of oil. They just want to keep it away from us anyway they can.)
* The DoJ is releasing the name of a Saudi individual alleged to have helped 9/11 perpetrators. (Oh, really?! This is about to get very interesting.)
* Did you know 'someone' got a law passed prohibiting 9/11 victims' families from suing Saudi Arabia?
* Did you know that the Republican-controlled Congress (back in 2016) overturned it?
* I lived in Denver for 9 years. First snow usually came in the first week of October. Usually. But they just got their first snow of the season already. (Cold winter on the way?)
* Turns out the Assyrians made the first known report of the Aurora Borealis way back in 660 BC. Way down in Assyria. (Geologists had already suspected extreme solar activity about that time based on isotopes in the rock layers.) (How extreme?!?!?!)
* I keep hearing that this war is NOT between Republicans and Democrats, and always from those quick to remind us how many Republicans have had to step down, retire, or be prosecuted. Well, sorry, but I just can't subscribe to that patent effort at liberal apologia for the simple reasons that ...
a) Those wolves-in-sheep's-clothing are done for, or, like Mitt Romney, soon will be, ...
b) Republican ranks are currently swelling with former Democrats (See: #walkaway), ...
c) Too many of the enemy Democrats remain, ...
d) Too many Democrats were/are involved, ...
e) And they're way too mouthy for their own good (See: Pelosi, Nadler, Waters, etc.), ...
f) The very nature of Democrat/liberal policies, like the labor unions, provided the perfect vector for this infectious disease to enter our society, and ...
g) When the dust settles, only one of these two parties will remain, and ...
h) It won't be the Democrats.
* Andrew Jackson may very well have boasted on his death-bed that he killed the bank, but ...
* It was only a temporary victory, so he failed to prevent it from it happening again, and ...
* That would have been about the only thing he could boast of after his scandalous life.
* It's time the party fashioned in his image went the way of its poisonous polestar.
* Time also to remind everyone that WE are all Israel, not just those living in the land of Israel. (Just trace your genealogy!)
* So any Biblical warnings against persecuting Israel don't necessarily mean (only) the land of Israel, but all of us who trace our lines to Israel. (And, while anyone can join, not everyone has, and not all those born into the family are loyal to it.)
* Does knowing that change your perspective on global politics?
* Does it sound like something you've read somewhere before?


     So, it seems some think I'm off-center predicting cars with more than 4 wheels. Well, you may want to tell the racing teams that, because they keep on trying it. Why? For all the reasons I stated. After all, racing teams are always looking for any advantage they can get, and they know that more, smaller wheels are better than fewer, bigger wheels. Unfortunately, as I also said, when you only have one engine, getting that power to all those wheels requires a lot of hardware. The trade-offs often exceed that famous 'point of diminishing returns'. And that's why the Tyrell P34 was the only successful 6-wheel car ever raced: They only doubled the front, undriven wheels. But even that proved only minimally advantageous, and very complex. Still, they keep trying. Notice the Ferarri (below) with the dual rear wheels; a blatant attempt to gain some advantage from more wheels while sidestepping the need for extra power-train gear. And, as I also said, once electric motors start replacing the transmissions, shafts, joints, even brakes, they're going to go right back to trying. I'm predicting at least 8-wheel race-cars in our time. And it won't be long after that when major auto-makers follow suit.

From My Playlist

     Eddie Money died of cancer at 70 years of age a couple of days ago, so it only seemed appropriate to revisit his music, but, honestly, I only ever had a few of his songs on my playlist, so here they are:
If I Could Walk On Water

I Wanna Go Back

     And my personal favorite:
Endless Nights


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~