Thursday, 17 October 2019

(It's Tuuri's day!)

(source of the horseshoe good luck symbol) (Ever see the rings of Jupiter?)


* The child welfare system (CPS and DACA) keep coming up in human trafficking news.
* You've heard of cruise missiles, but have you heard of cruise torpedoes? (Oh, yes! They ARE a thing!) (And we may start hearing more about them very soon.)
* Turns out the recent California power outage had nothing to do with preventing forest fires. It was necessary in order for a fleet of special, LIDAR-equipped helicopters to locate and target tunnels. (Tunnels?! Remember those storm-drain fires I mentioned yesterday? This is an evolving story.)
* How about that? It seems Thor's Hammer (aka Rods from God), is already pretty widely known (or rather suspected). Who knew? (But has anyone heard about Pumpkin Seed?) (No! Not that one. It looks like a black diamond, has no glass anywhere, and uses a variant of the aerospike engine, so it looks like a comet when in flight.)


     You'd think the Bible didn't even exist. I mean, sure, I know science says life began in the seas, but the Bible says it began on land. I thought these guys were all well-versed in the Bible, you know, like Indiana Jones was. Guess not.

The Basques?!

     The Basques have long puzzled philologists. That may be about to change.

     By the way, the whole earth is Atlantis (or part of it anyway), and we are the Atlanteans. That's why the Richat structure is not Atlantis. Nor shall we ever find any single place that was Atlantis. Nor shall we find any single people who were the Atlanteans.
     This all plays into my evolving article on the Tribe of Dan.

Pedophile Elites

     Time for yet another entry in my series on the Satanism, pedophilia, and child-sacrifice of the evil empire, but The Truth Factory has done it almost perfectly for me, so I'll just let her do the talking.
     (And, given the terms and topics I've been hearing at church lately, I probably don't even need to issue any 'trigger warnings' either. So I won't.)

The Truth Factory - A Deep-Dive Into Pedogate
Nothing really new to those in the know, but well assembled.

The Collectivist Ploy

The John Birch Society - Shadows of the DEEP STATE | Destroying Our Sovereignty
Did you know that even the Communists weren't really Communists?

     There is some validity to the claims that "this isn't about right vs. left" (or Republican vs. Democrat, conservative vs. liberal, etc.), but not much. And that's because there's a third party, one which tries to pretend it doesn't really exist, one that we now call the globalists, or the New World Order (which seems to be their preferred name for themselves) (although it's really the Nazi World Order).
     As I've long said, liberal policies are just the gateway drug of collectivist ideology, leading to Socialism, leading to Communism, leading to tyranny, because tyranny was the real goal all along. Liberalism was just the bait on the hook. And, yes, these same devils do also get into positions of selling conservative ideas to conservative audiences, too, but they are almost always obvious RINOs who in no way diminish conservative values or aims. Nor do they in any way validate liberal policies or goals. This only means that those suceptible to liberal flattery and bribery (selling their votes to those promising them other people's money under the nefarious argument that 'we live in a society') (the 'it takes a village' argument) willingly provided the vector by which the communalistic disease infected the body politic, simultaneously shedding new light on just what was really behind the Israelites' insistence upon a king, Samuel's warnings of a king's inevitable wealth redistribution notwithstanding. And they will be remembered for this.

Trump was right again

     The mainstream media pillars are crumbling before our eyes.

Black Pigeon Speaks - Why CNN, Mainstream & Social Media is Hemorrhaging Credibilty
(Hint: Because they just make stuff up!) (So, why bother with them?)


     This is one of the best things ever from Fair Mormon.

From my playlist

     So, yesterday was Roxy Music; today we'll listen to Brian Ferry, Roxy Music's former lead singer.

Kiss and Tell
Madonna wasn't the only one selling the sex in the 1990s.

Don't Stop the Dance
Notice all the boudoir themes and Patrick Nagel style.

And yet, this one is still mine and Marlina's 'dance song'.
Slave to Love
Notice the twist ending? He's dancing with his daughter, carrying her off to bed.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~