Monday, 02 August 2021

(It's Sin's day!)


     As I was saying the other day ...

The Rise of the COVID Variants

     'What's Her Face' (as she calls herself) makes some excellent points here.

What's Her Face - The Rise of the VARIANTS

JFK Revisited

     Most of you can probably guess how I feel about Oliver Stone, if you don't already know. The information he offers in this interview, however, is pretty accurate.

Oliver Stone Exposes JFK Assassination Cover-Up (JFK Revisited)

     I would only like to see him go as far as other authors have, and pin the blame directly on LBJ, who my father (who worked you-know-where) always said was really behind it all.

     I'd've also liked to see him conclude, as I, and many others, already have, that ...

     a) Jfk, like many others of his day, was politically confused, and, thus, in the wrong party. (Although he does say that the Bay of Pigs was JFK's awakening to the Deep State's machinations.)
     b) Had he been in the party that more closely aligned with his vision (the Republican), he wouldn't have been assassinated. (Although they would have still tried, as they did with Reagan.)
     c) Rfk and Jackie were fed disinformation, and couldn't tell whom they could trust, explaining some of their later comments, and RFK's subsequent assassination.

He who laughs last ...

     As our inside source was so fond of saying, "These people are stupid."

     Anyone with any sense at all has known for decades that the NSA records everything. Moreover, any event as momentus as the 2020 election is going to receive extrordinary scrutiny. So, yeah, anyone so dim as to broadcast their malfeasance over e-mail gets what they deserve.

The Crony Capitalism Scam

     One of the more interesting lessons of the book of Genesis is Satan's 'poison pill' deception tactic as used on Eve. Of course, as in everything, precedence makes all the lessons of Genesis profound. And by that I mean that the earlier/older laws take precedence over later laws. Or they should. That's why, for example, the very first laws of algebra are so simple (if a=b then b=a) AND immutable. (Nothing can defy the reciprocal law.) (EVER!)

     And, proving that point about the poison-pill tactic, we see it used everywhere, and with amazing success. I say amazing because, after so much time, you'd think people would learn that most important of lessons. But, as the evidence shows, they do not.

     Case in point: Look up above. I'm no great fan of Oliver Stone, but I'm willing to give credit where credit is due. This will not, however, dismantle my mental defenses against any other assertions he makes. Likewise Lyndon LaRouche. I think he's done an excellent job researching American history, and made some rather astute observations about, especially, the WWII era. I disagree with his conclusion that FDR was a great hero. A great leader, for better or worse, sure, but hero? Hardly. Imho. And yet, even still today, vast numbers of people see FDR in a very favorable light, and Herber Hoover as some kind of villain.

     Hugh Nibley provides another excellent case in point that many of you may be able to relate to. Amidst all his excellent chronicling of ancient texts and civilizations, he would occassionally come up with some truly stupefying conclusions, such as that the ancients had no concept of private property. Now, he's not technically wrong about this, but he's just not telling the whole story here, and that is the poison pill, the lie concealed behind a comouflage of truth. And, frankly, it tarnished his reputation in many minds, including my own. For, you see, the rest of the truth is that most of the ancients lived under the authority of kings. And, when you are subject to a king, even your very life is not your own. We see this in our scriptures when, twice, 'climate change' forced Abraham to appeal to foreign powers for refuge, and, in the process, had to relinquish his very own wife, or his life.

     And Nibley would, in practically the same breath, turn right around and denounce Sodom, not as the LGBTQIA+-=*xyz, ad infinitum, nightmare scripture quite plainly describes it as, but rather for being particularly hostile toward 'immigrants' and/or the 'homeless'. And, while that was also plainly true, it in no way diminished their even greater sin. Not that you'd ever hear that from Nibley.

     But, then, unlike, say, Thomas Sowell, Nibley never seemed to be able to muster enough intellectual honesty to find his way back from the brink. (And that would be among my many reasons for admiring such as Thomas Sowell, Ronald Reagan, JFK, and Donald Trump.)

     Now, it's time for the rest of us to start waking up to the propaganda and myth that's been spread around this nation for so long that too few even think to question it anymore, and that is the myth of the United States being a capitalsist nation.

     Oh, don't get me wrong! IT SHOULD BE A CAPITALIST NATION! Because capitalism is quite simply synonymous with the liberty and individuality enshrined in our founding documents. But, you see, even those terms and concepts are now under attack.

     Individualism is being repainted as selfishness, turning a blind eye to the society in which we all live.

     Liberty, too, is being recast as a 'dog whistle' (a term, and concept, which, as I've pointed out before, the liberals themselves first coined and employed) to ... pick your nouveau villain ... whites? Sure! Males? Without a doubt! The wealthy? Can't argue with that! The educated? Well, who else would so cleverly speak over you head?

     Worse still, capitalism, along with its concomitant liberty, is being vilified as a criminal conspiracy to exploit the poor, while further enriching the already 'too rich'.

     Regulation, for example, is one of their big sticks. Regulations are necessary to keep the evil corporations from stealing the very country out from under us, says the (media propagated) conventional wisdom.

     But, wait a minute now ... why is it that an unelected bureaucracy (take your pick: EPA, NHTSA, FBI, ATF, FEMA, ATS, and on and on) was handed autocracy over our lives AFTER eliminating the one 'regulation' which kept all those same things in check in the first place?

     What do I mean?

     Well, first, there is the simple fact that corporations, such as we know them today, were as loathed by the founders, and as unconstitutional, as standing armies. And, yet, look at how we, today, accept without a second thought, the huge military and supporting budget that we have today.

     What never once seems to occur to those advocates of regulatory bodies is that the laws that already existed 200 years ago fully protected the American public from all the very same evils those regulatory bodies now think they protect us from.

     I think I've already explained how my own family's dairy business was effectively regulated out of existence using Abraham Lincoln's mother's death from milk poisoning as an excuse, so I won't repeat all that here now. But, just ask yourself this: Is it legal to sell someone poison milk? NO! Of course it isn't. And you never could hide behind 'caveat emptor' as a shield from your own culpability. And that Idea goes clear back to Hammurabi's Code and the Law of Moses. But, with our originaly limits on corporations out of the way, they got big enough, and long-lived enough, to simply out-lawyer you in court, even to bribe lawmakers into passing laws favoring them.

     And, that brings us to the next, and final argument of the leftist: Capitalism obviously bad!

     Well, that might be true, if you're using us as an example, AND if we were a capitalist country. But we aren't.

     So, if we're no longer capitalist, because of the many corruptions of our laws ... And where have I read that before about some other great civilization's laws becoming corrupt? Where was that? Just can't quite think of the name right now. Anyone? Can you help me out here? .... then what ARE we?

     I hope you're ready for a shock, because I have some very bad news for you. But the facts are undeniable. And the facts are that, the system of laws, unelected 'regulators', unconstitutional powers, usurpations, and everything else we are now subject to absolutely matches a government I know all too well.


     The thing that espapes most people about fascism is that, like so many other pervesions of terms the left uses (like equality, social justice, etc.) fascism, by its strictest interpretation, could be summarized very simply by the old saying, United We Stand; Divided We Fall.

     In other words, they turn E Pluribus Unum on its head, reinventing it as collectivism. And, being, of course, necessary to the 'society' in which we all live, it must be enforced. For the public good. Because ... society. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

     And no one seems to notice that this is the very 'democracy' the left is always touting, completely sidestepping that our founders deliberately, and very emphatically, rejected democracy for that very reason. It's like when Satan told Eve, "Ye shall not surely die." (right now)

     In other words, our founders exalted individuality, including individual responsibilty, liberty, protected by laws as defined in the Constitution, by the very Constitution itself, by the way it limits government, and, thereby, limits the Unum part of E Pluribus Unum. We are only as united as the Constitution requires and/or allows.

     In fact, Abraham Lincoln faced that very problem when the Confederacy seceded from the union. Technically, they had the right to do so. But, what they didn't have the right, as our new neighbor, to do was to bring England back into it. We had only just recently fought them off a second time during the War of 1812, and we still had them on our northern border. Now we were going to have the southern states acting as an avatar of England, too?! NO! That was all the justification Lincoln needed. The union must remain united ... against England! (And, yet, look what would happen a mere 50 years later!)

     And he wasn't the first President to wrestle with such things. The great Thomas Jefferson himself neatly ignored even his own aversion to a 'standing army' when he, along with John Adams, created our Navy. But, hey, at least it wasn't an army, eh? But, then, he even sent that Navy off to teach the Barbary pirates a lesson about messing with U.S. commercial shipping. (And, by the way, the pirates were primarily taking our sailors as slaves in Arab lands.) Yes, Thomas Jefferson, the great second amendment advocate himself, rather than advising those private citizens to arm and defend themselves, rather than advising them that they were simply beyond the rightful jurisdiction of their government, and, thus, had no right to expect its protection there, instead exploited the situation to usurp and wield power, creating the closest thing he could to a standing army. You see, being the Navy, they also had ... MARINES!

     But who would ever be stupid enough to fall for a blatant attempt to circumvent the Constitution?

     And yet, they did.

     Even such as Jefferson and Adams.

     Because so many swallowed the poison pill: Just a little won't hurt.

     Maybe Thomas Jefferson should have set the kind of example George Washington set.

     Had he done so, we might still be a capitalist republic today.

     I'll try to add to these every day. Emphasis on try.

~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~