Saturday, 07 August 2021

(It's Kāla's day!)


* Democrats are losing every election lately. (And they are looking at the nuclear option!)
* California Governor, and Nancy Pelosi nephew, Gavin Newsom, likely to be recalled soon.
* New York Governer, Andrew Cuomo, is about to be impeached by his own party in a desperate bid to rescue what little credibility they still have.
Tracy Beanz

     You need to hear this ... all of it!

     Bottom line: Obamacare was the last nail in American healthcare, and only independent doctors can be trusted now, but they are rare.
Dr. Mercola

     You kinda hafta read between the lines here, but the truth comes through:

     He's just one of hundreds of well-known, experienced, educated doctors all saying pretty much the same thing: COVID is no big deal; it might even just be the flu in disguise, and the vaccine is a) NOT actually a vaccine, b) unnecessary, and c) suspicous.
Ronald Reagan

     And this one is short, timely, profound, and very memorable.

     I really miss him. I have literally wept over his grave. Jimmy Stewart's, too.
Lamanite? Nephite?

     I live in Indiana now, so, naturally, this caught my attention.

     Unfortunately, this ends up being more an example of the challenges facing archaeologists than it is an example of life in the Americas before Christ.
     And that same lesson applies to our study of ancient Egypt. As I've said before, we may never really understand it because it's been so vandalized ... by the ancient Egyptians themselves, long before we appeared on the scene trying to figure it all out.
Congressional Voting Record

     Forget what they say when posing for the cameras (which is always), find out what they actually vote for ... in your name.

Mike Pompeo

     I've been following him for years now, and I'm pretty impressed by him.

     Here, he basically blames our current woes on the oft-hypothesized fifth column.
     Turns out we conspiracy analysts were right about that, too.
Viktor Orbán

     Leave it to Fox's lightning-rod, Tucker Carlson, to interview Europe's lightning-rod, Viktor Orbán.

     And he doesn't just truth-bomb us, he truth-carpet-bombs us.
As I was saying ... some more:

     Hear that? Bound to draw the attention of gun-grabbers soon.

     Get yours while you still can.
The Great Reset

     Heard about this? You need to inform yourselves.

     Why a reset? It's no more a 'reset' than the affordable healthcare act was affordable. It's a blatant power-grab, a sea-change that we're being brain-washed into thinking is inevitable, good, and, above all, irreversible.
The Great Dolmen Mystery

     You've probably never heard this one before, but have you noticed how many ancient sites contain unfished buildings, steles, obelisks, statues, etc.? It's as if there was a civilization on the rise in that place and time that, for some reason, got wiped out, suddenly, and completely.
     How do we know it was so sudden? Because of the work pieces left as they were.
     How do we know it was complete? Because they never returned to finish the work.
     In some cases, most notably Egypt, someone, perhaps descendants of the original inhabitants, or their enemies, did move in and occupy the place, but they had either forgotten, or never knew, how to finish the work of the original inhabitants, or even what the purpose of their efforts really was.
     On the other hand, there are also sites where the inhabitants very clearly left their cities and/or temples, apparently as complete as they ever meant to make them. We see this in places like Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Turkey's Derinkuyu.

     Whoever lived in these places appear to have simply packed up anything of any value to them, and walked away.

     And then there are the dolmens. They are found all over the north-eastern hemisphere, and nowhere else. As far as we currently know. Yes, I know. There are a few in Tunisia and Somalia, but their location necessarily includes them in the the north-eastern hemisphere, with about half of them in Korea. None have ever been found south of the equator or in the Americas. Why? There are claims that dolmens have been found in the Americas, but, when you investigate these, you quickly find that the definition of dolmen has been stretched to include these. If you can find pictures of them (good luck!), you see that they are not dolmen, but rather menhirs; hardly the same thing. And none has ever been found incomplete, destroyed, or buried under millennia of detritus. So they are not as ancient as, say, Gobekli Tepe. They are more recent.

     So who made them? And why? And why are they only ever found in small numbers, in fact, usually alone, with no other structures of any kind nearby? Were these temporary shelters erected by small groups of people on their way from one place to another? And how did small groups of people heft such heavy roofs so high? And why such heavy roofs? Why such open walls? Was it danger from above they sought shelter from?
The One, True, Global Religion

     Wherever we look, we find echoes of the one true religion, of our religion, the religion of our fathers: Adam, Noah, and Abraham.
     In this case, it's the 'mountain of the Lord' and the 'eye of God'.
     And, of course, as I've said before, there's also that name: Kailash ... Crystal. The crystal mountain, higher than all others as far as anyone can see. But why do they call it crystal? It's not made of crystal. Or did someone famous once melt 16 'crystal balls' with which to illuminate otherwise lightless barges from the sides of that mountain? Perhaps its size or color or location reminded them of a mountain that used to stand much higher, much further north, and looked like crystal. Perhaps.

Jump to 16:17

     At least, those who actually know and understand our religion see those echoes everywhere. For example, I can fairly confidently promise you that you won't find anyone in your ward, or even in your stake, who can even begin to explain D&C 88:51-61 to you to the point that the spirit testifies to you, "YES!" But I will, in an article I hope to have completed by Sunday morning. You may not perceive the "Yes!" as a "Yes!", though. You may think, "What?! NO!" But, trust me, what I tell you will never leave you. You will always remember it. It will be there in the back of your mind, gnawing away like a termite at the dead wood you've accumulated there until it's all cleared away, and you can think more clearly again. It's not called the CELESTIAL KINGDOM for poetic or stylistic reasons. It's all real.
     Snycretism is the tool.
     Comparative Mythology is the way.
     "Then shall ye know that ye have seen me, ..."

     What's in a Word: Shelem

~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~