Tuesday, 11 August 2021

(It's Father Time's day!)


* Turns out, even we who follow these things closely don't have all the details.
* And those details are earthshaking!
* Emerging details about the 01/06/2021 insurrection will send congress-critters to jail.
* Biden drags us right back into Afghanistan all over again.
* Military vaccine mandates engineered to drive out smart/patriotic/fit.
* Our mail-list keeps growing! Help out by sharing this with friends and family.
* Click on my name at bottom to subscribe, comment, share news, etc.
It's happened again!

     What's that?
     It's like someone's reading my mail. No sooner do I make some statement ... In this case, I was explaining to my wife yesterday about the real role of Space Force, Mike Pence, Chris Miller, Dan Scovino, and just how long this plan has been building and executing ... and then X22 Report pretty much says all the same things I was saying.

     I wonder what's next.
Patel Patriot

     This is almost certainly Kash Patel, and you need to hear (read) what he has to say (write).

As I was saying ... yet again!

     Can an air gun kill a hog?

     Spoiler alert!


     And you know what that means, right?

     This ain't your dad's Red Rider.

~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~